Our friend Max Grossman sent around an email with a link to a Texas Tribune article that somehow ties together Beto and the fictional historical neighborhood known as "Duranguito." You can read it HERE.
Where do I even start? The Texas Tribune was born in a time when print media was no longer rumored to be dead - it was a rotting a corpse smelling up media space. The Tribune offered itself as an online nonpartisan news outlet supported by the generosity of donors who love nonpartisan news. Yeah! But that's not really how it worked out. It's a pretty left leaning publication that exists basically to shit on anything Republicans do in the state. Occasionally they'll find a Democrat to pick on... In their defense, Democrats at the state level are pretty much powerless and not much fun to write about. Republicans are the only subject worth talking about.
Why they decided to take a shot at Beto here is beyond my brain's function. Beto is the single most important Democrat in the history of Texas... at least right now history. Not since Ann Richards has the state seen a person with a D behind their name being competitive statewide or in the mix for a presidential bid. Hate him or love him, Beto has rescued the Democratic party in the state of Texas. And that's why I'm perplexed by this article.
Of course, this is a "nonprofit" publication that relies heavily on donors to operate. And while they state that Dee Margo and UTEP both gave money to the Tribune, they leave out whether or not the billionaire involved is a donor. I'm not saying that the out of town billionaire used his clout to get this journalistic garbage written, but it's the only thing that would make sense.
The author, Jay Root has written one negative article after another about Beto. Obviously he's not a fan.
My major problems with the article are as follow:
1. The Beto factor
Beto had nothing to do with where the arena is being built. Beto never suggested, voted or otherwise approved the location of the arena. Beto didn't have the power back then to decide the location and he surely doesn't have the power now. He has left the city life for the federal life by the time the arena location was picked. He's now a just a dude running for office who gets one vote on election day just like you and I. Insinuating that Beto has anything to do with location of the arena past or present is just dumb... just dumb enough that half of El Paso will believe it.
The author, not being from El Paso nor present for the downtown plan debacle of the middle aughts, tries to tie the arena location to a fictional narrative about bulldozing Segundo. You may remember the public outcry that in the end was complete and total bullshit ginned up by a few white guys with slum properties downtown... the type of white men who became very rich keeping "migrants" very poor. The type of men who let your abuelita rot in an apartment with broken air conditioners during 100 degree summers. The type of men who let the fictional neighborhood of "Duranguito" rot as well.
The bottom line is that Beto was the only city council member willing to meet with resident to allay their fears about being bulldozed at night while asleep in their beds (yes, they were told that would happen). The truth to the bottom line is that Beto told them that the rumors were false. The result of the truth of the bottom line stands today - Segundo lives unscathed. Nobody bulldozed anything. Nobody kicked anyone out of their house. It was all a lie to protect a few slum lords.
NOTE: At that time Segundo was being heralded as the birthplace of El Paso... which was proceeded by the old missions. It seems nobody can agree where El Paso was "born." Reminds me of our "First Thanksgiving" argument we lost so badly.
So, to tie Beto to anything here is stupid. The original accusations were false and built on lies. The arena had nothing to do with him. This is not a Beto story.
2. "Duranguito" and it's "remaining residents" are both fictional
For decades the area known as the Union Plaza district went pretty much unnoticed. Nobody gave a shit about the people or buildings down there. Do you know how I know that? I drove by all the time and by all appearances it was clear that nobody cared. Well, that's not true. Beto cared. He put his office in the neighborhood. He brought jobs and people to an otherwise rundown side of town where landlords let their tenants live in squalor. Yeah Beto!
The first claim of historical significance in my mind was the Chinese laundry building that served as different restaurants and bars frequented by rich westsiders like me who liked the gritty vibe. I call it "poverty tourism" and it's something my generation does - you know, our affinity for dive bars, vintage leather goods, Johnny Cash, moonshine and such. Even though we liked the place, nobody was claiming El Paso was born there. NOBODY. The historical significance was invented after the city started moving forward with plans to demolish the area so they could build an arena they don't need.
The city was met with open arms, as saviors, as heroes by all but one of the residents when they came in and moved them to nicer digs at the city's expense. There are no "residents" left. There is a single "resident" who is very old and doesn't want to move. Everybody else was happy to get out of the hellish living conditions. It is disingenuous to claim there are "residents" asking for Beto's help when there is clearly only one. And..... that one woman is being used by local ankle-biters in their personal war against the mayor. She's a pawn - nobody in the "Duranguito" crowd gives a flying a shit about her or her future. She serves only as a strategy for publicity. She should ask the people of Sierra Blanca how it feels to be used as a political pawn...
I wonder what the folks over at the Tribune would think if they knew of Grossman's conservative Libertarian leanings? And I can't really decide if the story was written because the author has a history of bashing Beto or because someone else made a big donation to get the ink. Maybe it's both... but I'm bored with it now.
Let's talk about the new classrooms rules tomorrow!
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