Grossman sends out an email and the subject of it is something I thought we all came to an agreement on - you know the code of conduct document the city created??? Yes, I thought that was settled. Some of you misread or misunderstood the language at first, but I put your right and you moved with your life. Or so I thought.
Grossman takes a moment to take a shot at Jim Tolbert because he congratulated the mayor on the effort. After all, Tolbert served in a time when there was a lot of bad behavior on council. It was to the point that council members had to move because things were getting physical - (Lily Limon I'm looking right at you).
The interesting thing is that Grossman brings up Reps. Annello and Brown. Apparently they embarassed themselves by going to the ACLU and other free legal outlets to plead their case. They were told by each entity that they are not very smart and should probably learn to read and comprehend basic concepts of representation. As in, "who am I representing now? The city? Or, my district? Or, myself?" Not a hard concept.
I mean it's kind weird Grossman would mention they went to the free legal outlets and they were turned down... as in... uh... they and Grossman are completely wrong. He also completely misunderstands First Amendment. He needs to pop over to the poli-sci department have them explain it. Hell the journalism school discusses it at length - they can help.
The whole situation is laughable given Grossman would do well to have Tolbert as an ally. On many issues they agree. On only one issue does Annello agree with Grossman (arena) and the rest is pretty much oil and water. Why Grossman would prop a democratic socialist is beyond my comprehension... Oh, wait... He's got a personal problem with the mayor and is letting it cloud his judgement.
Yes - I'll get to Lost Dog. It's a funny story how they just somehow completely f*cked themselves. I still have the giggles. One little bloggers reminds them they didn't do the right thing and they rush over to do the one thing I knew they'd do! Poor suckers... but that's what you get for trying to keep brown people away from your neighborhood. This should be lots of fun.
Amazing!!!! For a Jew who lives out of town, you are knocking an attorney from out of town? You don't understand the irony and optics of it all?
It is interesting to see 2 Jews squabbling over something, and you DONT EVEN LIVE IN EL PASO!!!! And Gross Man, who is a Republican in disguise.
And, AGAIN, Lost Dog? When are you going to let that go? It must bother you, or your parents bottom line (as they pay for your house in Austin). It must be the latter, because you are like some mangy dog fighting over a bone that has long ago lost all of its meat. Kosher or not.
Give it up Dude and get a Life or report on something of interest. Of course, as you once yourself admitted, "this is a Blog. NOT something based on FACTS. Just Personal Opinions" Just whatever you want to write about. Write about Doris FineBucks or Juan Cabronera or maybe something that appeals to all 5,000 (1% of El Paso) of the Jews in El Paso.
Maybe we should write about all the Jews in the News....Today, Jeffrey Epstein. A Pedophile with strong ties to that other Jew, Les Wexner. Yes, the CEO of L brands.
Honestly, Im not a Racist, but you leave me no choice. You SHIT all over El Paso. You think we are dumb-ass Mexicans who don't know how to think for ourselves. You are constantly beating us over the head on some perceived slight. Now, its Lost Dog. But Jews have been crapping all over El Paso forever. Just google Sam Ravell and how he sold shitty/defective bullets to Pancho Villa. Of course, old Sam is buried in El Paso. Westside Jews who sneer at LatinX. What else is new?
Get a REAL Life as well as a Man Bra.
Posted by: Carlos Lehder | July 25, 2019 at 05:33 PM
Carlos, you are a dangerous person. I gave the Defamation League your name for their watch list.
Posted by: A Brown Christian | July 26, 2019 at 02:59 AM
Carlos Lehder is a racist. Gives the human race a bad reputation. :(
Posted by: Justwondering | August 26, 2019 at 05:05 PM