Great win for those people who hate private property rights!
The rest of you are kind of screwed. I mean, if you yourself is more than 50 years old, He Who Shall Not Be Named Because He Has An Army of Lawyers could lay claim to your body. He'll just slap a "historical" sticker on you and then get a judge to sign over your life over to him.
I'm only kidding! Or, am I?
I know what you are thinking - "but they said they aren't making the decision until Thursday, David K???"
This was over when they judge didn't dismiss the matter with prejudice and have the plaintiff's attorneys thrown in front of the bar. Every local lawyer I talked to said this case has been adjudicated to the highest court in Texas and the decision was for the City of El Paso's side. To start over again is to disrespect the findings of the other courts. Years ago a judge would see it that way. Nowadays... no judge wants to be the guy who erased history - fake history or not.
So, the judge in this case will rule in favor of the hysterical folks and the can will be kicked to the next court and the fight will continue. A year from now the Texas Supreme court will -- yet again -- reject hearing the case and the lower court's ruling in favor of the City of El Paso will stand... and then the dance will begin again. Only this time it will be rare salamanders on the property as the excuse... (seriously - this happens in Austin all the time.)
I hate to crap on the legal community, but it feels like they are in cahoots with each other to make sure every one of them gets to bill as much as possible. I've never caught them doing it, but I'm sure the plaintiff and defense attorneys are winking at each other constantly and only interrupted by the judge's winks at both of them. You get the feeling you've walked into a situation where nobody is actually on your side even though at least half of them swear they are. And it's never going to get better because I know attorneys all over El Paso are looking up this case law and trying to figure out how to get someone to hire them for the next decade to fight progress. After all, it pays well!
Why can't a judge simply ask what privilege He Who Shall Not Be Named and his benefactor have to bring the suit? They don't own the land. The people who have decided to demolish it were given that authority to demolish it by legal elections set forth by the state constitution. Why can't the judge just ask "who doesn't want this to happen?" and then have He Who Shall Not Be Named and his benefactor stand up so the judge can count literally the entire number of people who want to stop what 600,000 other people want to progress. It would be quite a visual.
Anywho... if you're turning 50 look out for the AARP discounts and He Who Shall Not Be Named... I hear he'll be trolling Luby's at 4:30 marking the souls of the elderly.
I just want to know in which building the Apaches bunked in back in 1799.
If anything the Apache case makes the case FOR destroying all those buildings built by the white man.
Posted by: Max Powers | October 23, 2019 at 09:59 AM
the 600,000 didn't know they were getting a Sports Arena. I fooled them all.
Posted by: dk mom's buddy not hired in Florida | October 23, 2019 at 10:35 AM
David K didn't say a word about the arena. He is talking about property rights and Grossman's attack on them. Mr. KKK said he doesn't want the arena built, which is against the wishes of voters and contradicts his own values. He is willing to be hypocrite to be against the arena.
Posted by: Leave DK's mom out of it | October 23, 2019 at 11:05 AM
No one wants the stupid arena. Get over it already.
Posted by: By-Tor | October 24, 2019 at 09:20 AM
Leave; we didn't know we were getting a sports venue. It was a MS & Wilson bait-and-switch.
Posted by: JerryK | October 24, 2019 at 01:16 PM
Jerryk, Dave didnt want it in the beginning, but once MS figured out they can get a free Arena because it won't pay for itself things change. Pushing Margo hard to get it done before Leeser can come in and maybe call for a re-vote on Wilson's bait and switch. Now, if Max is doing this and gets this Durango property owner screwed out of the kind of money he could get that could make his family set for the rest of their lives and the damn Arena get built elsewhere, then i would expect Max and his buddy to pay that person the same amount the city would have paid them. If not then i would hope both would die a slow death.
Posted by: Just a Thot | October 24, 2019 at 06:05 PM
Just a Thot-your comment makes no sense other than you continuing to believe DavidK gets some benefit. Seems to me this is all a legal process started by one guy and it has been going through the usual legal channels and it appears the guy that filed the lawsuits isn’t winning. Has nothing to do with any politician pulling any strings in the legal case.
Posted by: Confused | October 25, 2019 at 06:09 AM
MS gets benefit if the Arena can get built quick. Dave has always bent the knee to MS. Leeser getting elected does not help MS. Re-electing Dee does. Entiendes ?
Posted by: Entiendes | October 25, 2019 at 04:59 PM
Keep fucking them, Max. Make those goddam corporate welfare leeches pay for their own Arena. Get Hunt and Foster out of our tax base.
Posted by: JerryK | October 26, 2019 at 06:00 AM