The Lost Dog item was postponed by Rep. Svarzbein who was likely called every name in the book by Bonart and friends after the "back up" for the agenda item suggested they (the city) wouldn't be pursuing a conservation easement (I totally missed that). What Svarz can do in two weeks to turn that around is the big question now. I heard that there are some major issues that would require major money and a loss of resources for the EPWU/PSB if they were to put a conservation easement on the place. The cost up front would be millions and the later costs likely to be in the millions as well.
Mr. Bonart's private park is a very nice, very expensive park!
I've been told you are paying Ms. Tamayo to run for office. She is definitely listed as working for Senator Rodriguez right now. She is also rumored to be working for a local house member as well. She has a job with two politicos who endorsed her candidacy... Two people who likely conspired to have her move into the district at just the right time so she could be setup as the heir apparent. Two people who didn't even think to look in District 76 to see if someone who actually lives there wanted to run.
Now I read my buddy Jaime's post and I'm very disappointed to hear that our best state representative is really tangled up in this as the second employer of Ms. Tamayo. You can read all about it HERE. A guy who has been nothing but scandal free is now plopping himself right down in the middle of Scandletown. Why would he do that? This is a really bad look for a really good guy and I'd hate for this to become a part of the Austin political rag gossip columns. It's time for him to distance himself and his success from this terrible attempt at disfranchising the good people of District 76. Nothing good can come of this!
Somebody needs to let Rick Francis know.
He will straighten this out.
Posted by: Max Powers | October 16, 2019 at 04:21 PM
2 weeks doesn't matter not enough votes (at the moment at least) to pass a CE because of public safety.
Of course this is El Paso so that could possibly change if someone is so morally bankrupt that they decide to play dirty politics instead of protecting the public.
A CE is inflexible to change and would cause irreparable harm to the properties downstream.
Only the court can modify or remove a CE.
The City would have to litigate against the land trust (read more $$$ for outside attorney fees, court costs, and no doubt injunctions) and hope the judge agrees with their cause.
Posted by: Mary | October 17, 2019 at 12:00 AM
Tamayo is done and Blanco has lost support.
Message to delegation: D76 residents will pick their own candidates who they expect you to support.
Claudia Ordaz-Perez announced she is running for House Rep seat and from what I am told has very broad support in the district.
Posted by: Mary | October 23, 2019 at 03:34 PM