News came last night to me that the Hysterical Society folks had, for lack of a better word, "lost" their case to keep the City of El Paso from demolishing the fictional neighborhood they call "Duranguito." I hate to use the word "lost" in these cases because it's not really a competition and shouldn't be treated as such. It was an exercise in clearing up legal standing to demolish the land. It was one of those "what does the law say?" type of cases.
I was not at all concerned that "Duranguito" would be reduced to a pile of bricks by noon today. Hysterical Society folks know what I know - no judge wants to be the judge that lets history get destroyed. It doesn't matter if it's not really historical at all - you don't want to be the judge who is remembered for that. So, it was not at all a surprise when the Hysterical Society folks asked a judge today for a temporary restraining order against the demolition of the site. And it was not a surprise that the judge would grant it - because no judge wants to the buy who lets history (real or not) get destroyed.
So, because these judges are elected and terrified of people like the Hysterical Society, the issues survives. A new hearing is set for a week or two from now, but that will be delayed when the Hysterical Society requests it and then they will delay again and again and again until the judge has enough... but then the judge will kick the case to another court because no matter what he/she doesn't want to upset the Hysterical Society. Then the case will make its way back all the way to the Texas Supreme Court and they will fail to take it up again... which will then spawn yet another temporary restraining order... that will be granted, of course... and the whole process starts over again.
And folks - that's why I told you the historical designation stuff is terrible for landowners and private property holders. The hysterical society will tie you up in court for decades if they want to. Your only defense is to keep them away from your property. You must tell the county commissioners court to stop any funding of a "survey." Once that is completed and your property is listed - the Hysterical Society can sue you out of your rights to everything from putting new windows in to selling the property. The hysterical society and their lawyers effectively own your house or property rent free if you let the county go forward with this survey stuff.
Don't believe me? "Duranguito" was never even found to be historical and a small group of Hysterical Society members have completely incapacitated the entire City of El Paso on the matter. Can you imagine what they can do to you and your lack of a billion dollar budget?
(Note: we can't talk about Grossman anymore - he's threatening to sue me and anyone else who mentions him on this blog. I wish the mayor would sue him for inferring that he is corrupt... a lesson should be taught there.)
The arena should not be built until they can prove it will pay for itself. At the same time, the city bought that land fair and square and should be able to demolish it. No matter which side you are on - nothing is going to happen any time soon.
This whole mess is just getting ridiculous, expensive and leads nowhere. Blame Leeser. This all started under his admin and was handled badly by the city and their outside counsel. The council members at that time bear responsibility for this mess too. They had voted unanimously for the site and then lost their nerve when Niland got verbally attacked for a couple of hours at her district meeting by five people that you could tell were students from UTEP and some community activist. She caved and then we got the whole walking quorum issue that caused legal problems for certain council members. Enough already. At least Margo tried to end the lawsuits and find a solution but he gets zero credit. Media acts like Margo started the mess. He didn’t. Oscar Leeser did.
DavidK is right about the local elected judges. They have no balls to put an end to this game.
Posted by: Enough already | October 07, 2019 at 02:01 PM
Who is the judge so I can vote against him/her?
Posted by: JerryK | October 07, 2019 at 04:07 PM
Blame Leeser, bullshit. Blame Wilson. All this shit comes down to her.
Posted by: Puto Ojourke | October 07, 2019 at 04:59 PM
I won't mention his name but professor, the one who claims to be acting in the name of "history," is a thorn in the side of fiscal responsibility. If he cared at all about the city, he would quit wasting tax payer dollars. Too bad he couldn't be bothered with that crappy neighborhood before it was due to be destroyed. It's been a blight for decades. Where was his righteous indignation then?
Posted by: Northeast person | October 07, 2019 at 11:54 PM
Speaking of that unnamed person and his threat of a lawsuit; he is treading thin ice with me for his accusations of corruption involving my companies and family. That's defamation of character, libel and slander, and its in print (so to speak). So Mr. Nobody just try it. My lawyers will gladly accept the challenge.
Posted by: John Karlsruher | October 08, 2019 at 01:01 PM
Depositions are fun!
Posted by: elrichiboy | October 09, 2019 at 12:21 PM