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October 15, 2019


I think it's a cocky move for Blanco to be blessing his successor. He is not in the clear of walking into the Senate seat, he will have a formidable opponent.

Ever since Cesar got into the State House rumors were flying around that he didn't really live in El Paso but San Antonio. I agree this stinks. But we all know this happens all day, every day in the local, state and federal elections. Every once in awhile the voters step out of line and elect someone like Oscar Leeser, Ted Cruz, Trump, and the list goes on and on.

I sincerely hope someone else steps into the Democrat primary for this race so there will be a choice.

One party system. What do you expect?

Neither of the two candidates is a good one. First Tamayo appears to be a stand in as you say for Blanco. The other one Claudia for doing nothing for her district as a city rep. Except. Vote for downtown projects that have little value to her district. So why do you even propose that Claudia is a good choice. Be honest neither of the two are good choices but then again we don’t have really good candidates running. Period!

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