The lovely Ms. Tamayo put out a fundraising email and it's straight out of political central casting. We've got education, taxes, health care - the whole family is here!
Politicians think you are stupid so they throw these campaign patois out there so you can qualify them as a "good candidate." I mean, who doesn't love education and health care and hate taxes? After 100 years of this rhetoric nothing has ever been improved by a politician on any of these topics. That's why I think it's funny that Tamayo is leaning on boiler plate bullshit to attract voters in a district where nobody even knows who she is.
Let's break down here plea for dough here...
"During the past several weeks, I have enjoyed visiting with you about what issues are important to you in this campaign. Whether it's expanding access to health care, improving our public schools, or ensuring our government is fair and transparent, there are so many challenges and opportunities that we need to address in Austin."
Oh boy... I think the transparency part could be ensured right now if Tamayo fessed up to conspiring with Rodriguez and Blanco to push locals out of the District 76 race by running her and then threatening anyone else interested in getting into the race. Does Ms. Tamayo think "fair and transparent" are backroom deals made in Austin to favor politicians instead of the people of District 76? If this is her idea of transparency, District 76 is in for some real ugly days of disfranchisement ahead.
"November marks the start of Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act. Through this program, hundreds of thousands of Texans have gained access to affordable, life-saving health insurance. You can find more information on the enrollment period at"
It appears that Tamayo doesn't know the difference between "health insurance" and "health care." At no time would a doctor in an emergency room apply your health insurance policy to an ailment and expect you to stabilize. Usually they use medical instruments, drugs, blood etc. to heal people. It's odd that she somehow thinks insurance can save your life. It can not. People who have health insurance die as frequently as people who do not have it. In fact if you look at the numbers - 30 million without insurance and 150 million with it - and you know how statistics works... more people will die in America today having health insurance than not having it. (Tamayo doesn't get correlation versus causation.)
Bottom line - she's using a really false equivalency here that is made for fear mongering. Health insurance is a financial tool to pay for catastrophic medical emergencies. Health care is the act of treating someone with an ailment.
"Health care is a basic human right, and improving access to health care is one of my biggest priorities. Unfortunately, Texas still leads the nation with the highest percentage of uninsured residents, including children.
Oh boy, someone did not pay attention in civics class at all. "Health care" is not a basic human right. You do not have the right to another person's labor. Hell, a "right" can not be granted if it includes, or is based solely on, the actions of others. You do not have a right to compel another person to attend medical school, go through a residency and obtain a license so they can take care of your medical needs. It is absolutely ignorant to assume you have the right to someone else's labor. Hell, you don't have the right to food or water or any other basic human need. Those are not "rights" they are personal responsibilities. If you look at the Bill of Rights you'll see that it's mostly a list of things you're allowed to do and says nothing about you getting goods or services (free shit). You have to question her ability to legislate if she doesn't understand the basic premise of what a "right" is.
Do I need to tell you that Texas' CHIP program is begging for people to enroll their kids in the program, yet every year they have excess funds and we bitch about uninsured kids??? They advertise on radio, TV and everywhere else and people still choose not to sign up. That's not something the legislature can fix and the real reasons why Texas has high uninsured rates is not something people want to hear, so I'll keep that to myself.
Despite this, the state has continued to refuse to expand Medicaid, losing billions of dollars in federal funds and leaving around 800,000 Texans without health care coverage they would otherwise have. In addition, medical debt is the biggest factor driving personal bankruptcy.
Again, Tamayo really doesn't understand how a basic government 'thing' like Medicaid works. No, Texas didn't "lose" billions in federal dollars. That's not how medicaid works. Medicaid matches the state dollar for dollar (not exactly, but close in some cases) on Medicaid spending. So the only way for Texas to have received a billion dollars from the federal government would have been to spend a billion dollars. That doesn't sound at all like "losing billions," which any person with a basic understanding of Medicaid would know. Good thing a state rep doesn't need to know anything about Medicaid... oh wait, it's likely to be one of the most important issues they will discuss in each session. Does Tamayo sound ready to talk about this?
As for the medical debt being the biggest factor driving personal bankruptcy - PURE B.S. That was a made up statistic from a 2005 "survey" of people who ask for, and were granted, a bankruptcy. You can read the facts here It's a flat out lie. And I'll leave you with the big proof. Canadians actually declare brankruptcy slightly more frequently than Americans and they have a completely free health care system... Something doesn't add up. Again, she doesn't understand the difference between correlation and causation.
Texans deserve to have access to affordable, quality health care regardless of income, geographic location, or sexual orientation. Texas can not thrive without healthy residents. We must elevate the voices of El Pasoans at our state capitol to ensure our community has access to the health care we deserve."
"or sexual orientation" - Am I missing something here? When's the last time a doctor asked if you were gay and then kicked you out based on your answer? I'm really wondering where the hell she is coming up with this crap. If anything, the medical community in the U.S. has been the leader in acceptance of alternative lifestyles because they have an oath to keep and in order to keep that oath, they have to accept and treat people who are gay. I think she was mixing up "health care" with "health insurance" here again and actually trying to go back to 2006 and fight the same sex benefits fight that has been over and done for 13 years. Talk about pandering!
Also, health care nor health insurance has anything to do with Texans being healthy. Diet and exercise is the cure. The fact she doesn't understand that should scare you. Tamayo thinks if she takes more of your money (taxes) and throws more of it at perceived health problems, you won't get cancer. Good luck with that. Steve Jobs had a billion dollars and still died of cancer.
I've ranted enough.. I think Tamayo makes a poor effort here to trick voters into thinking their lives suck and she's the only cure. Fact is, their lives don't suck and they don't need any cures.
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