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January 17, 2020


We tried emailing this retard from boston who never went to austin hs or lived in the district but she said she was tending to byrds requests and taking care of her new husbands new cripple status. Dont worry stout made sure he was fully covered by the city for injuries sustained after his sham marriage to the leftist. she cant even get copia paved or the memorial park tennis court lights motion sensors. She stole an election with byrd the leftist help. She beat jud the retard who beat tolbert. It was rigged for an outsider to come and do shapleigh a solid.

I sincerely hope Judy wins D2. She has been the best rep the district has ever had. She cares about D2. Annello spends every waking moment trying to delay council decisions; figure out ways to accuse Margo of all sorts of bad decisions and practices. Between her, Peter and Cassandra they cause massive delays and disputes among council. Trying to prove some point. Disaster. Too bad you can't be censured for being stupid.

I live in district 2. Who is Judy?

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