If you get Grossman's emails you'll see he's been on a tirade against Claudia Ordaz. Apparently Ordaz spent money communicating with people who were to be impacted by a literal toxic dump opening on top of them. I guess, communicating with voters these days is big no-no? Like that time The El Paso Times tried to convince you that slowing traffic down around schools was not only a bad idea, but illegal?!?!?
I mean, what kind of person demands transparency of his government by screaming at them constantly and then bitches when one of those government people engages in transparency? Has Grossman finally lost his mind?
And he's pissed off about the $6,000 Ordaz spent being transparent while he's cost the city more than $2,000,000 in legal fees over his ego in Duranguito? Give me a break. If he's worried about the money, he ought to give up the fight he's going to lose and start trying to figure out how he is going pay all of you back for those fees.
What nobody is talking about is how Tamayo never even knew they were going to put a toxic dump in the district and thus had no inclination to warn anyone or fight it. Of course, she lived in Austin when this was going down. She's just figuring out what's where in the her district, so you can cut her some slack - she's new.
And speaking of transparency - the lack of it... How come no one mentions Tamayo's candidacy was hatched in dark room between elected officials in Austin in attempt to take away representation of the good people of District 76? Shouldn't Max be a little upset that a backroom deal was cut to essentially make Tamayo the puppet of other local house members? What kind of sick person tells a whole district they don't get have a person represent them at the state legislature?
In closing... You have one person running who is transparent and communicates with the taxpayers and you have another person from Austin assigned to area by the other local electeds... The choice has to be easy here, folks.